Sunday 5 August 2012

I`m a massive fan of all things Barcelona. The city, the beach, the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi,the Tapas, The Football Club, the Catalans but there is one thing I`m not a fan of and that is the scammers. I went to Barcelona for the very first time in 2010. It was a short 4 day trip with my daughter and my son. Before I went I lost count of the people telling me to "watch your wallet" " Watch out for the scammers" "Watch out for the pickpockets". I have travelled a bit so I took this with a pinch of salt because all tourist traps and major cities have their share of rogues and thieves. It is just common sense isn`t it? Well, isn`t it? Well that`s what I thought until I heard tale after tale of what goes on in Spain`s second largest city and the capital of Catalunya. Now Barcelona has to a degree, always been a cosmopolitan place. After all it is a major Mediterranean seaport, the fastest developing short city break in Europe and a destination for artists and bohemian types from all over Europe.Added to this is Spain`s links with North Africa and the lowering of the European borders thanks to the expansion of the EC to include the Eastern European countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Poland etc and the European Union Freedom of labour policy. The city itself consists of ultra modern buildings mainly associated with the development here since the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and a myriad of narrow and dark alleyways associated with the old City, mainly in the Gotic area but also the Raval. The Raval was notorious in the past as the Red light area of the city associated with it`s port status.It was also associated with the lower echelons of society who would eke a living with petty thievery and the like.The Raval stretches from the Plaza Catalunya on the southern side of the main tourist thoroughfare La Rambla,right down to the sea. The Gotic area is concentrated on the Northern side of La Rambla mainly in and around the Cathedral but it is quite a maze of back alleys. The Raval is described with the cliche "up and coming" in all the glossy Holiday mags and Hotel adverts extolling the virtues of the City ( while trying to prise the Euros from your pocket).It is still however, the haunt of "ladies of the night." My advice is to avoid the area completely after dark and be cautious during the day.The Gotic area is well policed and populous during the day and the evening and I have never encountered any problems here but that doesn`t mean you should lower your guard. After dark there are some unsavoury elements who particularly will look for people a little "worse for wear".So if you are intending to party in Barcelona bear this mind. Stay in groups and keep together .

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